Be Strong

Know exactly what you want, expect greatness from yourself, work hard and be confident. Never believe all the negativity and mediocrity society feeds you. Take risks and be who you are- take the first step to constant self improvement. Engage your body and your mind, train your bones to be strong and everything in life will become simpler. Every small gain will make the world so much more purposeful and understandable. Work hard, be strong and do the best you can.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

What is this?!

This blog has been created to record my thoughts and my progress in healing  my body and my spine. About six months ago my motorbike flipped over, and then an SUV ran over my back twice, then it dragged my ass for 15 meters after which I was pulled up and I had to walk 200 meters to the hospital. Several other things happened but I will not say it all here. At the end of it all I had 42 fractures along my spine, 2 burst vertebra, a contorted torso and an inability to even move my neck. The picture on the right was the state of my spine after exactly 10 weeks. I can now walk, have started working and I am going to be stronger than I have ever been before.

I was a powerlifter and I loved calisthenics in addition to the big three lifts. I could squat 330lbs, deadlift 400lbs and bench 250lbs, all at a bodyweight of 160lbs. I knew I was strong for my size and training experience. I could perform 5 archer chin ups on each arm, could bent over row 225lbs for 6-7 reps, could perform 10 pistol squats on each leg, perform 10 flawless gymnastic bridges, strict military press 160lbs for 5 reps, perform 3 unassisted ham glute raises, 4 perfect gymnastic leg raises,and perform 40 dips at any point of time. Now i cant use weights. At all.

Every Thursday I shall post my thoughts on training. Every Sunday I shall post how i applied what i have learnt. I hope someone benefits from this.
Good Luck
Train Hard
Thanks for helping me figure out how to become  strong.
I would have never understood any of this without you.
Btw her name is Sukanya. 


  1. Hi there,

    found your blog by a Google search. I've spent the last hour or so browsing through it. I've seen that you don't have many comments yet, but a lot of good stuff. I hope you keep blogging! I've bookmarked your bog. I as a crazy woman, one day, will do a one-arm chin-up. (That's how I found you.)
    Also, I hope you recover fully and soon! All the best.

    1. Thank you so much and good luck with your training. I am sure you will get the one arm chin up with that attitude. :-)

    2. I wrote a post today and I wanted to ask you to read it, as one of your comments was the starting point of the post.
