Be Strong

Know exactly what you want, expect greatness from yourself, work hard and be confident. Never believe all the negativity and mediocrity society feeds you. Take risks and be who you are- take the first step to constant self improvement. Engage your body and your mind, train your bones to be strong and everything in life will become simpler. Every small gain will make the world so much more purposeful and understandable. Work hard, be strong and do the best you can.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Updated routine

No I am not changing my routine again, just making a few tweaks so that its fits in my schedule and flows naturally.

I going to have 4 workout templates-

1. Upper Body 1
Section 1.
Over hand Pull ups And close push ups- super sets
2 super sets of 4-9- Pull Ups, 8-15- Push Ups
Underhand Pull ups and Close Push Ups- Super sets
2 super sets of 4-9- Pull Ups, 8-15 Push Ups
Close Grip Underhand Pull Ups and Dips- Super Sets
1 super set of 5-10 Pull Ups and 8-15 Dips

Section 2-
3 Sets of Hanging Leg Raises- 8- 15
Standing Calf Raises and Pinch Grip Plates- Super Sets
3 Super sets

2. Upper Body 2
Section 1-
Standing Military Press and Bent Over Row- Super Sets
3 sets of 6-9 military press, 8-15 Bent Over Row
Standing Military Press and Military Barbell Curl- Super sets
2 Sets of 3-6 military press, 6-10 Curl
High Incline Bench Press and Military Curl- Super Sets
1 set of 8-15, 6-10 curl

Section 2-
3 sets of Hanging Leg raises- to be performed along with the following
Bent Over Row- 2 Sets ( 1 Wide, 1 narrow)- 4-8 reps

Section 3-

Standing Calf Raises 3 sets

3. Lower Body Workout 1-
Section 1
Pistol Squat Progression, lying leg curls and Cross bench Dumbbell Pull Overs- Super Sets
4 sets of 15-50- Pistol Squats, 4-8- Lying leg Curls, 10-20- Pull Overs

Section 2-
Bridges- 3 sets of 8-15

Section 3-

Standing Calf Raises and Pinch Grip Plates- Super Sets
3 Super sets

I am thinking of the following basic 14 day template-
1. Upper 2
2. Lower
3. Upper 1
4. Rest
5. Lower
6. Upper 1
7. Rest
8. Upper 2
9. Lower
10. Rest
11. Upper 1
12. Lower
13. Rest
14. Rest

On rest days I will perform active recovery- cycling or jogging.

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