This is a foundation building program
that we use with young athletes who are just getting into serious
strength training. The idea here is to build a foundation of general
strength and endurance and establish stable motor patterns that will
serve them well in later training. Therefore, every exercise in this
routine serves a purpose, which is explained with the routine.
Overall the objective is to strengthen the legs and back and to develop correct posture for lifting. The volume of work is very large and the exercises are general in nature. This is because the novice does not need a very high intensity or special exercises to get stronger. The large volume also builds general endurance for strength sports, which will enable them to train harder than their peers later. Most athletes will achieve the goals of the routine in 8-12 weeks, for most this is a 60-80% increase in strength. Then we move on to proper barbell training.
The exercises used are easy to learn
and require very little coaching. All you need is a few kettlebells,
a bar to do pull ups and open space. Remember that this routine was
originally intended for teams and works best with partners. We have
trained as many as 20 kids in a group without a problem. This way
everyone pushes each other. We typically trained in a football ground
and used the goalposts for pull ups.
You will workout 3 non consecutive
days a week and keep notes of your numbers. Every workout the goal is
to get the required reps in less sets. The whole workout should take
45-60 mins at most. You can reduce the weights or use easier
variations if required, but do not progress to the barbell routines
until you have achieved the goals.
Routine for Boys
Warm Up Stretching (5mins)
Cat-Camel- 10 reps
Fire Hydrant Circles- 8 reps per side
Roll Over into V-Sit- 8 reps
Mountain Climbers- 6 reps per side
Static Hip Flexor Stretch- 20s per side
Squat Stretch- 30s
Light Twist Hold- 20s per side
Cobra Stretch- 20s
Shoulder Dislocates with stick or rope-
15 reps
Main Workout (30mins)
Push Ups (Start with an incline around
waist level)- 100 total reps, GOAL= 5 sets of 20 on the
Kettlebell Goblet Squat (Start with a 16 or 12kg bell)- 100 total reps, GOAL= First 50 in 1 set using the 24kg bell.
Kettlebell Goblet Squat (Start with a 16 or 12kg bell)- 100 total reps, GOAL= First 50 in 1 set using the 24kg bell.
Chin Ups (Start with a partner
assisting from the hips)- 50 total reps, GOAL= 10 sets or less
without assistance
Conditioning (5mins)
Kettlebell Swings (Start with a 16 or
12kg bell)- 100 total reps, GOAL= 1 set of 100 with 24kg bell.
Static Stretching (5mins)
Standing Ankle Stretch- 30s per side
Squat Stretch- 30s
Cossack Squats- 10s per side
Static Hip Flexor Stretch- 30s per side
Standing Toe touch- 20s
Easy Twist Hold- 30s per side
Camel Stretch- 30s
Shoulder Dislocates with stick or rope-
15 reps
Routine for Girls
Warm Up Stretching (5mins)
Cat-Camel- 10 reps
Fire Hydrant Circles- 8 reps per side
Roll Over into V-Sit- 8 reps
Mountain Climbers- 6 reps per side
Static Hip Flexor Stretch- 20s per side
Squat Stretch- 30s
Light Twist Hold- 20s per side
Cobra Stretch- 20s
Shoulder Dislocates with stick or rope-
15 reps
Main Workout (30mins)
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press
(Start with 8 or 6kgs)- 50 total reps per arm, GOAL= 5 sets of 10
with the 12kg bell.
Kettlebell Goblet Squat (Start with a 12 or 10kg bell)- 100 total reps, GOAL= First 50 in 1 set using the 16kg bell.
Kettlebell Goblet Squat (Start with a 12 or 10kg bell)- 100 total reps, GOAL= First 50 in 1 set using the 16kg bell.
Bodyweight Rows (Start with a bar above
the waist)- 50 total reps, GOAL= 8 sets or less with a bar below the
Conditioning (5mins)
Short Sprints (Start with 25m)- 10
sprints, GOAL= 10 sprints of 50m.
Static Stretching (5mins)
Standing Ankle Stretch- 30s per side
Squat Stretch- 30s
Cossack Squats- 10s per side
Static Hip Flexor Stretch- 30s per side
Standing Toe touch- 20s
Easy Twist Hold- 30s per side
Camel Stretch- 30s
Shoulder Dislocates with stick or rope-
15 reps
Explanation of the Exercises
Exercise |
Purpose |
Description |
Link |
Camel |
Up Lower Back -Learn how to arch and round the back. |
down on your hands and knees. -Pull your stomach in and try to pull your lower back up and round your back as much as you can. Look down towards your feet. -Reverse the movement and try to push the lower back and stomach towards the ground and arch your back as much as you can. Look up to the sky. |
NA |
Hydrants |
the hips -Activate the glutes |
lower back should be rounded and the arms straight. Do not tilt
the torso.
making outward circles, make sure that you are lifting the knee as
high as you can to the side. Do not let the knee open at any
as large a circle as possible with your knee.
performing inward circles, ensure the knee goes as far back as
possible as well. |
NA |
Into V-Sit |
the groin and lower back. -Teach control. |
together at the back, knees may be straight or bent depending upon
comfort, touch the toes to the ground.
apart as far as possible and knees straight in the seated
position, reach forward as far as you can.
momentum to come up and go back but try to limit it as much as
possible for safety reasons.
NA |
Hip Flexor
the front of the hips. -Correct pain and posture in the lower back. |
the hips forward and lean back very slightly.
weight must be on the back knee. |
NA |
Stretch |
Hips, knees and ankles. |
flat, toes out 45 degrees, knees push out and away from each
other, sit between the legs. -Try to rest your hips on your calves. If required hold something for support. |
NA |
Climbers |
hips -Warm up full body. |
heel of the working leg should be close to the palm on the same
side at the top. How far forward the heel goes is more important
than speed.
when you switch sides.
the hips straight and aligned with the rest of the body. |
NA |
twist |
Sides and back. |
on the ground with your shins on top of each other. Hold your
thighs with the arm away from them and twist your torso around to
the opposite side.
-Exhale and try to relax while doing this. |
NA |
Stretch |
abs and front hips. -Improve the ability to arch the back with muscular force. |
hands should be just below the shoulders.
the hands into the ground while pushing the chest out and head
back and squeezing all the back muscles, especially the glutes.
the hips into the ground. |
NA |
Dislocates |
shoulders and elbows. |
wider the grip the easier the exercise.
a full circle with each repetition.
the arms straight, chest out and the shoulders away from the ears
at all times. Do not shrug.
the stick/Rope with your thumb and index finger only |
NA |
Ups |
shoulder, chest, arm and ab strength. -Teach proper shoulder positioning and full body tightness. |
the hips, knees and spine tight. Do not sag or A frame.
the elbows inwards, keep the shoulders down and away from the
hands should be in line with the lower chest at the bottom. Space
yourself accordingly.
always together.
at the bottom and the top.
Shoulder Width
the hands on an object waist high reduces the difficulty by half.
You can keep working down inclines until you hit the floor. | |
Squats |
legs, back, hips and abs. -Teach flat back and chest out position. -Improve squat mobility. |
your chest out, knees out and weight on the heels. The toes should
point out.
should be propped high on the chest and held up on end from below.
back chest out.
down between the legs. Keep the torso vertical. | |
Ups |
grip, arm, upper back and lat strength. -Decompress the spine. -Improve shoulder mobility. |
palms should face you.
the bottom the elbows should be straight.
the top the base of the neck should touch the bar.
not swing, keep the legs, hips and spine straight.
at the top and the bottom.
a shoulder width grip.
out, shoulders down and away from the ears.
assist, stand behind the person and push the up by holding at the
hips. | |
Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press |
the arms, shoulders, abs and lower back. -Teach full body tightness. |
the kettlebell in one arm with a wide stance. -Hike the bell back between the lets and push your hip forward to swing the bell up. -Once it reaches chest height, bend the arms and guide the bell to the shoulder. The momentum should be carrying it to this point. -The elbows should rest on the sides. -Press the bell up in a straight line and lower back to the shoulder. -Swing the kettlebell back behind the body and repeat. |
NA |
Rows |
the upper back, arms and grip. -Improve upper body posture. |
a horizontal base that is above just below the hips. The higher
the base, the easier the drill. -The lower chest should be below the bar. -Use a shoulder width grip -Pause at the top. -Shoulders down and away from the ears. | |
Swings |
hip, hamstrings and lower back. -Improve general endurance. |
on the heels and the feet wide apart with the toes pointing out. -Arms straight at all times, palms facing you. -Hike the bell behind the body and push the hips forward to swing the bell up. -Knees bent at the bottom, straight at the top. -Do not use your arms or shoulders, swing with your hips. -Use the counter-swing at the bottom. |
NA |
Sprints |
speed and leg power. -Improve general endurance. |
close to the ground at the start. The hands should be on the
ground. Stay down as long as you can.
on the toes and the driving leg should be far forward. The back
leg should be straight.
slow and accelerate rapidly.
back through the toes and pull the knees as high as you can at the
the elbows. |
NA |
Ankle Stretch |
calves. |
are stretching the ankle of the back leg. -Keep the knee straight and try to get the heel to touch the ground. |
NA |
Squat |
groin |
the weight on the heels and use a wide stance to get into
position. -The toe of the straight leg should point up. -the knee of the squatting leg should be in line with the toes. -You may hold on to a vertical object for balance and support if required. | |
Toe touch |
lower back and hamstrings. |
the knees tight an squeeze the heels together.
not bounce of use momentum. |
NA |
twist Hold |
sides and back. |
heel of the raised leg should be close to the knee of the other.
the knee of the raised leg inwards with the opposite elbow and
twist the torso around towards the same side as that leg.
yourself up on the opposite arm. |
NA |
Hold |
abs, shoulders and front hips. -improve ability to arch. |
the hips forward and lean back slightly.
the ankles with the hands to get some support.
NA |
Thanks for sharing. I could really use some modifications and additional exercises for my routine and pro bar exercises.