Be Strong

Know exactly what you want, expect greatness from yourself, work hard and be confident. Never believe all the negativity and mediocrity society feeds you. Take risks and be who you are- take the first step to constant self improvement. Engage your body and your mind, train your bones to be strong and everything in life will become simpler. Every small gain will make the world so much more purposeful and understandable. Work hard, be strong and do the best you can.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

My Basic Training Principles

These seven principles are the foundation of the way we train to be strong. Battle tested and scientifically sound, any program that adheres to these rules will produce exceptional results.

1. Strength is a Skill

Ultimately, strength is essentially the ability to produce force. Therefore that skill must be practiced and honed if one is to become truly strong. Thus our routines have the following features-
  • Use big multi joint movements for strength.
  • Technique is at a premium and must be perfected with every rep and set. A stable technique is a loadable technique.
  • Relatively low reps per set and medium to heavy weight.

2. Large total loads are the foundation for strength

For the system as a whole to adapt, the total stress the organism is subjected to must increase over time. Heavy weights and singles may build strength in the short run, but without the foundation of large total loading, the base will be weak and progress will stall.

Large total loading will allow for perfection of technique, strengthen the skill of applying force, build the muscular system and its capacities and condition the nervous system for the weights to come. When the strength is needed we just lower the load and increase the weights and let the body recover and demonstrate its full strength. Thus our routines have the following features-
  • A large amount of the work is done in the 65-80% intensity range.
  • Over time the volume per week goes up.
  • Out of Volume, Frequency and Intensity one is always pushed, and the others are kept low to medium.

3. Variation in loading and exercises

By manipulating the load imposed on the body week to week, we prevent physical and mental stagnation. Large variations in loading will make the organism more trainable and improve results. Variations are also introduced in exercises to prevent boredom and to develop the body from every direction.

These variations are manipulated in accordance with the trainee's needs and weaknesses. Thus they also become valuable tools to further the development of strength.

4. Build and Broaden the Base of Fitness

The higher the performance level you desire, the more is the stuff that could break down and halt progress. Thus we take special care to ensure that your general fitness base is sufficient to ensure growth. In many cases, beginners do nothing but general fitness work for 2-3 months, until they have been brought to a trainable level.

Our routines always keep sight of-
  • Flexibility and mobility
  • General endurance
  • Speed and rate of force development
  • General strength and muscle development
  • Diet and body mass indicators

5. Balanced Programming and Longevity

We believe that the athlete who in the long run can maintain balanced development of qualities and general good health will be able to train longer and harder and eventually out perform his competition. Thus we-
  • Protect the joints by minimizing unnecessary stress, doing special work to pump up and stretch the ligaments and tendons and build a foundation of solid technique and movement quality.
  • Balance the muscles from front to back, side to side and top to down.
  • Balance different qualities of fitness and never let any quality totally slide.

6. Progression over time

With every passing training cycle the average weight being handled in the primary exercises should increase. If this is not happening, it is difficult to ascertain progress. Thus we set a variety of rep and weight Personal Records and track them on the heavy days for each exercise. The progressions are tailored according to the requirements of that person.

7. Build around Requirements

At any given point of time only one thing is focused on and attacked. Everything else is done, but not with the same priority. This allows us to build the training structure according to the requirements of the athlete.

For example if the beginner has no base, general fitness is the priority for the first 8 weeks. If the technique is unstable then that is addressed with variations and appropriate loading.

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